About Anahkiin

Hello cuties! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Thank you for visiting my blog, I'm Ana!
Anahkiin comes from Anakin Skywalker and it's a mix between my real name "Adriana" and "Dovahkiin".

Tuesday 13 October 2015

My trip to Tokyo I: Harajuku Bubbles Store

Hello cuties! 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
By the beginning of this month I went to Japan for only three days but I was able to see a few things, the worst part is that it rained during ALL my stay and the only day with clear skies was my coming back day and I had to be in the airport early in the morning
 (ノД`)・゜・。 sooo I wasn't able to take many nice pictures and I didn't see cute girls in the streets of Harajuku.

My favorite store in Harajuku is called Bubbles, according to their website they have another store located in Shibuya and an online store! ( ´ ▽ ` )b
The store is not just adorable on the outside but on the inside as well. It's completely impossible for someone like me to see this and simply pass by. I MUST go inside even if it's just for looking (not that I'm *cough*broke*cough*)

You can find pretty much anything cute, from bags to pajamas, from shirts to jumpers, shoes... The store is very small but the variety makes you think otherwise.
And look at these lovely pastel colors! I would have bought the same pajamas in every shade possible if I could!
Look at the below picture, do you see these shelves? They look like decoration but they're supper cool doors for the fitting rooms. The fitting rooms are like magical secret rooms that surprise you when you thought this store couldn't get any better.

The staff is also nice but they didn't know English well so I had to make an effort (which was my responsibility being in their country)
The only thing I disliked was not being able to buy everything ahaha
and maybe also the fact that the shorts and skirts were way too small but at least the shirts, dresses, jumpers, etc were over sized even for my chubby western self.

I fell in love with this pajamas. I love everything with "princess" on it. But unfortunately I had to choose and a jumper seemed more necessary since the weather is changing already. I would have used this pajamas for two weeks and then kiss it goodbye until next year.
So this is the item I chose:
It's a cozy over sized jumper. It's super cute so I couldn't be happier about my choice!
Even the bag was cute TT

Stay alert for my next post about Tokyo!

♥︎See you next time sweetie pies, stay cute and fabulous♥︎

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